How to Choose Your Online Marketing Agency in 2021

So you have decided to search for a digital marketing agency to refresh your company’s image and boost your sales? Whether you are looking for Social Media Marketing, Content Marketing or maybe Google Ads services, choosing the right marketing agency is always the most important step if you want your campaigns to be successful! But how can you choose the one that has the right certifications, skills and experience? 

By definition, a marketing agency is aimed to help clients implement and maintain marketing strategies that suit the business goals of a company. From the various services an agency can provide to you, here are some of the best known: creating and managing marketing campaigns, monitoring results and interpret data to improve numbers and create content for your social media presence. 

Searching terms like „best online marketing agency in London” will return hundreds of names and going through every website can be a little overwhelming. In order for you not to waste your time, here are five things you should look for when you’re choosing your digital marketing agency:

Your Marketing Needs 

Before deciding that you need an online marketing agency to help you scale your business, you need to ask yourself why you need them and what for. This will help in the decision-making process and will guide you towards the best agency that suits your needs. Depending on the agency, the staff that works there can have accreditations in various fields of expertise, from SEO to web development, to content writing or even paid to advertise. Before picking one, think about why you need them and whether their services can get you where you want. Maybe an SEO agency will not be prolific for you if you are looking at boosting your online presence on social media. 

Background experience analysis

When deciding what service or product to buy, your customers will always do market research about your competitors before choosing what is best for them. This is definitely something that you have to do before choosing an online marketing agency for your brand in 2021. Look over their portfolio and find out about other things they have worked on so far, and see if those fit your expectations. Only by promising a service doesn’t mean that an agency will deliver. A lot of agencies have many services shown up, but only a few are real professionals in that field. 


Price range

A good agency knows its worth and will charge you higher prices. If you are looking for a discount, you might get yourself a substandard agency that will hurt your business and website in the long run. Optimise your marketing budgets to be able to pay a fair price for high-quality services that will result in a powerful ROI. 

Ask the right questions

Some agencies may trick you into charging you more for services, by presuming that you don’t have enough experience with online marketing agencies. We have prepared some questions for you that would be great when and getting to know an agency you might work with in the future:

A good starting point would be checking if the agency has long-term partnerships and consistent relationships with its clients. An agency that is concerned about building trustful relationships and not only providing services, might be the one you should consider working with. Business flourishes when both partners farewell!

  • What metrics do you use for results?

This will help you determine the level of transparency the agency has. Choose an online marketing agency that will provide all the information and graphics you need in order to measure your results in 2021! 

  • What are your strongest values?

Working with someone that shares the same values as your business, will guarantee you a flourishing partnership. In this matter, you will be able to figure out if the agency will understand your values and communicate them in a way that will keep your brand’s voice. 

Working with an online marketing agency in 2021 can save you a lot of hustle. You will need to focus on developing new ideas for your brand while having someone helping you promote your old ones and boosting the ones to come. 2020 has shown us that we always need to be prepared for the unexpected and this is something we need to perfect in 2021, in order to be successful. 

Take a look at our website and find more information about us and how we can assist you in structuring the best online strategy for 2021!