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Social Media Calendar for October 2021

Regardless of its nature, every day is a reason for celebration, if we know how to shape our perspective in this direction. Whether it's the anniversary of family members, national days, or simply funny holidays, we thought of putting them on a calendar and supporting your creativity with a few ideas. October brings many holidays that you could use to create content on Social Media for your pages, and we have extracted some of them so that you have an Ace up your sleeve, every day. Sit back, enjoy, and let us do our magic!

31 ideas for each day of October

October 1st - International Coffee Day

Posting Ideas: Statistics on coffee consumption, its effects, times when people consume coffee or the extent it has gained in the 21st century.

Areas of activity that can benefit from this holiday: Barista, Restaurants, Bloggers / Vloggers, Grocery stores.

October 2nd - Smile Day

Posting ideas: Smiling - the symbol of happiness, smiling emoji, questions like: What makes you smile, frames with people smiling at different ages.

Areas of activity that can benefit from this holiday: Health (dental offices), psychology offices, wellbeing centers, NGOs.

October 3rd - Poetry Day

Posting ideas: Famous lyrics, mentioning the importance of poetry in cultural life, information about how many poems are published annually, details about the first attestation of poetry in the world, genres of poetry, the evolution of lyrics over time.

Areas of activity that can benefit from this holiday: Education, NGOs, Bookstores, Publishers, Educational Centers.

October 4th - Animal Day

Posting ideas: celebrating domestic and wild animals, statistics about the positive influence that animals have on our lives, funny videos with animals, initiatives for the public to post pictures of their animals in comments, encouraging adoption.

Areas of activity that can benefit from this holiday: Veterinarians, NGOs, Volunteering, Environment, Psychology Centers.

October 5 - World Education Day

Posting ideas: numbers about how many hours a person spends in school, information about the basics of education and how it influences us, school - the starting point for a life path, statistics about dropping out of school or ways to combat it, information about the first school from your county or from your city.

Areas of activity that can benefit from this holiday: Education, NGOs, Volunteering, Public institutions.

October 6 - Plus Size Appreciation Day

Post ideas: the importance of self-esteem and self-love, acceptance of one's own body, changes in human bodies over time, how beauty is seen differently on human bodies, scars of beauty, funny pictures with large sizes on clothes.

Areas of activity that can take advantage of this holiday: Design / Fashion, NGOs, clothing stores.

October 7 - Inner Beauty Day

Posting ideas: true beauty comes from within, physical appearance catches the eye, while inner beauty conquers the soul, the importance of self-love and investing in oneself.

Areas of activity that can take advantage of this holiday: Education, NGOs, Beauty, Fashion, Cosmetics Industry, Psychology, Non-Formal Education.

October 8 - Sight Day

Posting ideas: the importance of visual sense in a person's life, the first moment when a baby opens his eyes, images with beautiful destinations, drawing attention to blind people in public places, appreciation for dogs that accompany the blind people, supporting the initiative to become a guide for a blind person, images with special eyes on the planet.

Areas of activity that can benefit from this holiday: Medical, NGOs, Volunteering, Civic Education

October 9 - Post Day

Posting ideas: the evolution of written forms of communication over time - from letter to e-mail, a day from a postman, pictures of mailboxes in various parts of the world, love letters sent by mail, how the post office managed to maintain relationships of people during wars, examples of world-famous letters, tips on how to write a letter, the most beautiful stamps.

Areas of activity that can take advantage of this holiday: Courier, Education, Bookstores, Publishers.

October 10 - World Mental Health Day

Posting ideas: the importance of mental health care, statistics on illnesses that can affect mental health, how we can prevent mental illness, mental health activities and exercise.

Areas of activity that can benefit from this holiday: NGOs, Volunteering, General Culture, Education, Psychology.

October 11 - Sausage Pizza Day

Posting ideas: pizza recipes, discounts on this type of pizza, the origin of pizza.

Areas of activity that can take advantage of this holiday: Restaurants, Food Bloggers / Vloggers.

October 12 - Farmer's Day

Posting ideas: a day in the life of a farmer, drawing attention to the importance they have in the production of food, interesting things about the evolution of the equipment they use.

Areas of activity that can benefit from this holiday: Pre-university education, General culture, Ministry of Agriculture, Large chain stores and Food Bloggers / Vloggers.

October 13 - Mental Training Day

Posting ideas: the importance of a constant exercise of the mind, exercises through which we can train our minds, how the puzzle, sudoku or other famous games appeared and their spreading throughout the world.

Areas of activity that can benefit from this holiday: Schools, NGOs, Volunteering, General Cut, Psychology.

October 14 - Dessert Day

Posting ideas: famous dessert recipes, information on the sweet tooth of people, photos with special desserts, the oldest confectionery in your country, which is the favorite dessert from your country, desserts from the old days.

Areas of activity that can take advantage of this holiday: Vloggers / Bloggers / Influencers, Chefs, Restaurants.

October 15 - Get to Know Your Customers Day

Posting ideas: the importance of a close relationship with customers, stories about loyal customers, ways to get to know the public and interesting events for them, adaptations of different industries for their customers (eg supermarkets have learned consumer habits and placed products according to them).

Areas of activity that can take advantage of this holiday: B2C Business, HR, Psychology, Marketing.

October 16 - Boss’ Day

Posting ideas: Types of temperaments, a list of what makes a person a good boss, posting appreciation for the head of the organization, the achievements that a boss can have in a company.

Areas of activity that can benefit from this holiday: HR.

October 17 - Eradication of Poverty Day

Posting ideas: reports on poverty in your country or in the world, ways to fight poverty, facts we can take to reduce the poverty rate, volunteering opportunities, actions taken to help people in difficult financial situations, calls for donations to NGOs in the field, how can investing in education change the poverty of a people.

Areas of activity that can benefit from this holiday: NGOs, Volunteering, Public Institutions, Education, CSR.

October 18 - Chocolate Muffin Day

Posting ideas: recipes with chocolate muffins, photos with delicious muffins, the origin of the muffins.

Areas of activity that can take advantage of this holiday: Restaurants, Food Bloggers / Vloggers, chefs, Chocolate Industry.

October 19 - New Friends Day

Posting ideas: the importance of meeting new people, ways and places to meet new friends, topics for discussion when you meet someone for the first time.

Areas of activity that can benefit from this holiday: HR, Psychology, NGOs, Volunteering.

October 20 - Writing Day

Posting ideas: writing tools, the evolution of writing from papyrus to the computer, a child learning for the first time to write, the origin of the alphabet from your country, about the inventor of the pen (Romanian).

Areas of activity that can benefit from this holiday: Culture, Education, Public Institutions, NGOs, Bookstores.

October 21 - Apple Day

Posting ideas: An apple a day keeps the doctor away, apple-related legends, apple recipes.

Areas of activity that can benefit from this holiday: Food Vloggers / Bloggers, General culture, Health.

October 22 - Color Day

Posting ideas: rainbows, the perception of certain cultures about colors, the color of certain cities, coloring - the favorite activity of many children, how coloring has become an activity to de-stress, visual disorders related to eye colors, how colors influence people's mood and buying behavior.

Areas of activity that can benefit from this holiday: NGOs, Tourism, Psychology, Health, Art, Marketing.

October 23 - Mole Day

Posting ideas: information about Avogadro's number (6.02 x 1023), general information about chemistry, how is this holiday celebrated by chemists, information about the fact that in this day is celebrated the molecule day - Mole Day, which is why a mole is used as a mascot.

Areas of activity that can benefit from this holiday: Chemistry, University Education.

October 24 - United Nations Day

Posting ideas: The year the United Nations was founded, ways to celebrate this holiday in various countries, important events in which the UN was involved, the purpose of the organization.

Areas of activity that can benefit from this holiday: General culture, Public institutions, Pre-university education.

October 25 - National Art Day

Posting ideas: the list of art museums in your country, cultural events that will take place in the next period, how the art world passed over the COVID period, unusual forms of art - the banana painting glued with tape.

Areas of activity that can benefit from this holiday: General culture, Art, University education, Public institutions.

October 26 - Pumpkin Day

Post ideas: unusual pumpkin sculptures, the pumpkin - a symbol of Halloween (Jack's Lantern), pumpkin recipes.

Areas of activity that can take advantage of this holiday: Food Bloggers / Vloggers, General culture.

October 27 - Black Cat Day

Posting ideas: superstitions about black cats.

Areas of activity that can benefit from this holiday: Education, Animal adoptions, Pet accessories stores.

October 28 - Chocolate Day

Post ideas: the history of chocolate, what influences it has on the human brain, the origin of chocolate, famous chocolatiers, unusual chocolate fillings, chocolate-related records (eg Travis M. ate 100 M & M's candies in 13.50 seconds).

Areas of activity that can take advantage of this holiday: Food Bloggers / Vloggers, Confectioneries, Chocolate Industry.

October 29 - Cat Day

Posting ideas: curiosities about cats (eg a healthy domestic cat can reach speeds of 31 km / h, but can not maintain such a pace for more than 1 minute), the role of cats in people's lives, the ability of cats to soothe people's pain.

Areas of activity that can take advantage of this holiday: Veterinary practices, NGOs, Animal adoptions, Pet accessories stores.

October 30 - Publicist's Day

Posting Ideas: Jordanna Stephen founded Publicist's Day in 2015, the purpose of the holiday: to celebrate publicists and their involvement in the PR world.

Areas of activity that can benefit from this holiday: Communication, Publications, General Culture.

October 31 - Halloween

Posting ideas: the origin of the name of the holiday comes from the English expression All Hallows 'Even- All Saints' Day, traditions, unusual costumes, list of horror movies, specific recipes for the holiday.

Areas of activity that can take advantage of this holiday: Cinemas, Bloggers / Vloggers.

We hope that we managed to give you a little boost to your creativity and that everything will go smoothly in October for your social media pages. If you need a helping hand, don't forget that you can always contact us by e-mail!